Office of Disabilities Services
<p>The team in our Office of Disability Services works closely with our Academic Affairs team and others to provide a learning environment that is inclusive, equitable, comfortable, accessible, and supportive for all.
Our Misson
The Office of Disability Services assists students with medical, physical, and other differently-abled needs to ensure equal access to academic and programmatic services, as set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation in Education Act of 1973.
Our mission is to remove barriers to education so that all students at Monroe may learn and thrive within our college community.
We do this essential work by collaborating with administrators, faculty, and staff to arrange reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with a demonstrated need in ways that do not fundamentally alter the education program or academic requirements essential to a program of study, and do not change licensing requirements.
Some common accommodations, depending on need, include:
- Extended time to complete quizzes and exams
- Use of a computer or other assistive technology for exams, essays, and quizzes
- Ability to provide handwritten assignments, exams, and quizzes rather than computer-based submissions
- Test-taking at the Testing Center on the same day the test is given in class to reduce distractions
- Permission to record lectures or use a calculator (provided by student) in class and/or on exams
- Preferential seating in class
- Access to campus computers that are programmed for enlarged print and graphics
- Security assistance with evacuation in the case of an emergency
- Referrals to other resources local agencies and resources
Requesting an Accommodation
- To help us provide helpful support from your very first experiences with Monroe, we encourage all students with accommodation needs to inform their Admissions Advisor during the application process. Doing so will enable us to make appropriate arrangements if need be for the English and math placement tests expected of all new incoming students.
- Once admitted to the University, there is an Intake Release Form that students seeking assistance from the Office of Disability Services are asked to complete at the beginning of their first semester at Monroe in which accommodations are requested.
- This form provides us with important information that will help our team best assist the student. It will also explain the required documentation to receive requested accommodations.
- Once the form is received, the Office of Disability Services will meet with the student in-person or by phone, depending on the student’s preference, to better understand their unique needs and discuss available services to assist them on campus, in our virtual learning environment, and in the local community.
- Students are asked to help us help them by checking in with the Office of Disability Services at the start of every semester to let us know how they are doing and whether any additional accommodations are needed.
- While the Office of Disability Services will alert relevant faculty of any arranged accommodations that impact classroom instruction, the student is asked to have a private conversation with their professors at the beginning of each semester about their needs and the accommodations granted through the Office of Disability Services.
- Visually impaired students with a guide dog, Service Dog or an emotional / therapy support animal are directed to inform the Office of Disability Services so that proper arrangements can be made for the animal and the campus community. Anyone who is applying to be in the dorm must submit all requested documentation one full month before the start of the semester and pending the availability of a bed at the time of their application.
Contact us
Office of Disabilities Services Student Services
Saadia Del-Llano, 504 Director - Office of Disabilities Services
646.393.8228 /
Schedule an Appointment
New Rochelle Campus – Public Safety Office:
Main Hall / 434 Main Street Hours:
Mondays and Wednesdays: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fridays: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Adult Career & Continuing Ed Services
Assisting individuals with disabilities to achieve and maintain employment and to support independent living