Welcome to the University Years
This is a new chapter in your relationship with your student and the college years are a time of transition and adjustment that can be accompanied by fluctuating emotions. Your college student will still need your advice, support, and guidance but it will be in a new and different level and yes, you will have to start letting go. The college experience is a stepping stone on the path of your student’s exploration of education into a wide variety of career options that will open the doors of their futures.
This is a time for you to encourage your student to try new things to help them explore different academic or social interests. Becoming involved and engaged in the Monroe University community is also the best way to help fend off home sickness and to meet new friends that share mutual interests.
This is a good time to have some important conversations with your student about topics and issues that they will be experiencing. It is important for you to let them know what your thoughts, opinions, and values are regarding social behaviors and what your expectations are. Now is the time to encourage them to figure out things on their own.
Student success is a team effort which includes the student, the college community and you the student’s support system.
Alex Canals, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs / Dean of Students
Changes for Parents
There may be a change in the nature of your communication with your student. You won’t know the moment-to-moment or day-to-day details of their day but communication is the key to your sense of security and theirs.
Here is a list of do’s and don’ts parents may find helpful:
- Do check in on a regular basis & try texting them
- Do ask about their experiences but also make it about you, the family and what is happening at home.
- Do ask open ended questions such as: “So Sandy is a friend from…?”
- Do ask, “What are you learning in classes?” or “Tell me about your class projects / subjects of your papers.”
- Do suggest solutions where they might go or who to speak with to address their concerns or find answers.
- Don’t fix things for them.
- Don’t only emphasize grades.
- Don’t ask for the resume of information about a new friend they might mentioned.
- Don’t make the communication like a drill sergeant on a fact finding tour
- Don’t email or call on a daily basis
Changes for Students
Changes your college student may experience:
- Students will miss you and your home cooking! Expect requests for “comfort foods” when they first come home.
- Students will be seeing and experiencing new things that will expand their worldviews, and perhaps challenge some of their assumptions.
- Students will encounter new and different political views, cultures and ethnicities, religious backgrounds and sexual orientations.
- This can be a frustrating process but it ultimately will lead to a more mature and well-rounded individual.
- Students will need to develop a sense of independence through understanding their role and responsibility in their education
Monroe’s Role
What is our role with Parents?
- We are your advocate and will work as a partner with you to ensure your students success.
- We are here to take this journey along with you to help you guide your student on the path to the next level.
- We are here to lend an ear and be a partner as your student develops and explores this new college phase.
- We are here to be your GPS and help connect you to the right departments / offices that can address your questions or concerns.
What is our role in your student’s life?
We are your student’s advocate and here to accompany you and them on the path from dependence to self-sufficiency by:
- Helping them to identify their academic interests and how to pursue them through student clubs, Students Services, and the Office of Career Advancement.
- Helping students develop critical thinking skills
- Helping students to be engaged in campus activities and events
- Encouraging students to be positive contributors to the college and local community
Important note about safety:
Consistent with the University's Core Values of creating a supportive and respectful college environment, Monroe seeks to provide a secure and safe academic, living and working campus atmosphere. Helpful information about campus public safety is available at:
What we expect from you is to:
- Work as partners with us to encourage your student to meet with their academic advisor regularly.
- Encourage them to get connected to Career Services in their first year and to explore internships or local work opportunities.
- Be aware of the academic college calendar and avoid scheduling your student to depart campus until finals have ended.
- Let us know if your student has any academic accommodations in high school
- Let us know if your student has any pre-existing medical conditions or is taking any medications.
- Let us know if your student has any food allergies or dietary requirements.
- Ask that your student sets up a budget for the semester and to limit their use of credit cards, visits to the ATM and not to apply for multiple credit cards.
- Encourage your student to maintain spiritual or faith traditions
What we expect from your student is for them to:
- Maintain a commitment to graduate.
- Be informed about college polices and to abide by the regulations respectfully.
- Be respectful and tolerant of others, their opinions, religions, and lifestyles.
- Understand academic integrity and the value of effort and persistence.
- Ask for help when needed and sooner than later is always best.
- Understand that students always have a choice in their behavior, interactions, and exchanges.
- Understand choices can have both positive and negative consequences.
- Understand the importance of maintaining healthy habits in studying, eating, sleeping, personal care, online communications, and personal relationships.
- Understand that they are part of a living and learning environment that requires they establish appropriate balances between their personal freedoms and their responsibilities to the college’s community standards and expectations.
Parent Liaison and FERPA - Student Release Form
Please note that even if we have a release on file our protocol is to always deal with the student first. It does not mean automatic notification from any offices.
Health & Wellness Referrals
Please contact:
Alex Canals, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs / Dean of Students